The Secret To A Masterful, Positive Mental Golf Psychology

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Positive thinking is a powerful mental golf psychology weapon.

You can use it to win under pressure, because most golfers really have no idea how to think positively.

There are two steps to this psychology in golf.

The first is realizing how much your beliefs affect you.

Whatever you say to yourself – and believe – on the golf course will determine what you do.

Psychological studies in the past 25 years have proven that we don’t do things based on what happens to us.

We do things based on what we THINK will happen to us.

We don’t go to work because we get paid. We go to work because we THINK we’ll get paid.

You don’t miss a putt because you missed your last one.

You miss it because you missed your last one and you THINK you will miss your next one.

Realizing how quickly you become pessimistic on the golf course is critical, because you can easily guard against it.

Now that you know how potent your beliefs are, you must understand what positive thinking is (and is not).

Positive thinking is NOT telling yourself you’re playing well when you aren’t.

Nor is it telling yourself you’re confident when you aren’t.

Positive thinking is convincing yourself that your negative setbacks are temporary.

If you hit a bad drive, you think, “Now my nerves are settled so I can really drive the ball.”

If you hit a bad putt, you think, “I can use what I just learned about reading the green on my next putt.”

This is the essence of positive thinking: making sure you view setbacks shots as a natural yet TEMPORARY phenomenon during your golf game.

The easiest technique is to continually remember your strengths.

A wonderful example is Jerry Barber, perhaps the shortest golfer ever to win a major title. Barber was 5’3″ and won the 1961 PGA Championship by remembering his strengths.

In a playoff vs. Don January, Jerry was outdriven on most holes. But, he was never tempted to try for more distance off the tee. He stayed positive and realistic about his lack of driving distance. He virtually never pressed or tried shots he was not able to execute.

In the 18th hole playoff, Barber chipped and putted tremendously and shot a 67 to January’s 68.

He was a model of disciplined, positive thinking.

You can do the same.

Negative thoughts can and will enter your mind when you golf.

Your job is not to eliminate them.

Your job is to answer them with believable, realistic answers based on your strengths.

Taking control of your mental game of golf is easy when you know the fundamentals.

When you know how champions approach frustrating and pressure-filled situations, you can do the same.

It’s why I created my eBook, Breakthrough Golf! Lower Your Score Now Using The Mental Secrets of Professional Athletes.

It’s a practical roadmap that reveals the mental golf psychology you need to play well and win anytime, anywhere.

The best part is you can check it out FREE using our seven day trial here:

Golf PsychologyBreakthrough Golf! How To Lower Your Score Now Using Mental Secrets of Professional Athletes.

Your friend,
Lisa B.

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2 Responses to “The Secret To A Masterful, Positive Mental Golf Psychology”

  1. Troy Vayanos on January 13th, 2011 1:37 am

    Excellent Article

    Great advice for improving the mental part of the golf game. This is so often overlooked by most golfers.


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    Glorious read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing some research on that. I’d also encourage everybody to bookmark this page to your favorite service to assist spread the word. Thanks!

    Best Regards,
    Golf Gear Offers

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